
Monday, May 27, 2013

A Season of Gifts

A Season of GiftsIt is no wonder that Richard Peck is an award winning author. I began reading A Season of Gifts on a long car ride. Due to boredom, I decided to start reading
 A Season of Gifts to my husband to keep us both awake. We arrived at our destination but I hadn't finished reading; my husband asked if he could finish reading the book. He finished that evening and when I asked him to fill me in on the detailed his response was "Oh no you have to finish it, it was so good." I finished it today and he was right. 

A Season of Gifts is a terrific book that I recommend to everyone over 12 years of age.

My Fair Godmother

My Fair GodmotherJust finished My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison. The book was thoroughly enjoyable. Modern day teenagers meet the Middle-ages. Reading the book you are drawn into the world that Savannah has created. My Fair Godmother is full of life lessons. There are consequences for everything we do and Savannah embarks on a journey that will teach her that among many other things.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Realistic Fiction

According to,  Reasons for Using Realistic Fiction in the Classroom , the real benefit will be that student's have something to help them make moral and ethical decisions. When we discussed diversity last week we were reminded of the benefit to students to view themselves in literature.The same principle applies to realistic fiction if a student see a character dealing with the same issue they are they are more apt to relate and better understand themselves.
Thank you, Mr. Falker
 Thank you, Mr. Falker is about a dyslexic student that learns to read. 

Don't Make Me Smile
Don't make me Smile
 Don't make me Smile is about a boy dealing with his parent divorce.

As a teacher it will be important to search for realistic fiction that can help student to overcome the obstacles they face as well as  helping them see that they are not the first nor will they be the last to deal with these life situations.

Friday, May 24, 2013

AR Finder

Looking for books for your child to read over the summer ? Check out  AR Finder you can search by age, theme, award winners and even top books students are reading. There are so many books out there for students to read.  Scholastics  provides suggestions to help students avoid the summer slide. (check out the link)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Technology and Literacy

 Computer technology can enhance a reading program. I have always thought of reading just as reading books but after reading this chapter my thoughts have changed. I look forward to enriching the lesson by further study into the author or by enhancing the reading by allowing the students to delve deeper into you the places that the book takes them or thee characters. I think that this chapter helps me further understand the purpose of our author study and how that would enhance the students learning. Part of my personal improvement plan has been to enhance my use of technology by becoming more familiar with the different literature sites that are available and presented in chapter 12 of the textbook. There were on abundance of sites presented I have made a plan to try to visit at least two a week. I look forward to learning which ones I can incorporate into my curriculum.
Teaching students citation is extremely important Google notebook is a free and easy to use online tool that allows students to collect information in one location. I will be able to install Google notebook and put an icon in the computer so that the students can easily cite their sources.WOW I just went to explore Google notebook only to find out it is no longer available and Google Docs has taken its place.

Diversity in Literature

Diversity in literature takes on many forms that I didn't realize prior to reading this chapter. Looking at books on exceptionalities and thinking about books that did not portray students in a typical way would greatly enrich students learning. Next semester I will have a blind student in my class therefore I plan to read You Remember the Blue Sky the Questions Kids Ask about Blindness by Sally Anderson. This will help assist the first-graders in acceptance and understanding of the feelings of a blind student. After reading this book it is not appropriate for 1st grade, I will search for another.

Blindness I found it!! This book looks great for my class.

Reading books about different religions is something that I thought was not possible because of the separation of church and state. The textbook presentation was eye opening. Presentation of religion and different religious points of view can be a chance to help students develop critical thinking skills.
I love that the idea of presenting books that explores aging in a positive light. I would like to include one of these books in my literacy project but more importantly I want to include it in my classroom. Living in a community that is elderly I think it would help students learning more about the seniors in the community.