
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Realistic Fiction

According to,  Reasons for Using Realistic Fiction in the Classroom , the real benefit will be that student's have something to help them make moral and ethical decisions. When we discussed diversity last week we were reminded of the benefit to students to view themselves in literature.The same principle applies to realistic fiction if a student see a character dealing with the same issue they are they are more apt to relate and better understand themselves.
Thank you, Mr. Falker
 Thank you, Mr. Falker is about a dyslexic student that learns to read. 

Don't Make Me Smile
Don't make me Smile
 Don't make me Smile is about a boy dealing with his parent divorce.

As a teacher it will be important to search for realistic fiction that can help student to overcome the obstacles they face as well as  helping them see that they are not the first nor will they be the last to deal with these life situations.

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